October 7, 1865 - M'Kean Miner

The Bucks County Intelligencer says:

A correspondent at Quakertown communicates to us some expressions used by Colonel Davis in a public speech made last fall at the tavern of E. Y.Sterner, in that place. He is represented to have said on that occasion: "If Abraham Lincoln is reelected to the presidential chair, take my word for it this will be the last chance you will ever have to vote for a president of the United States." This corresponds exactly with other sentiments publicly expressed by Colonel Davis after he had left the army, and with the course of his paper while he was still in the service. His own declarations show that he stands upon the same political platform as Frank Hughes, William B. Reed, and other deadly opponents of the war for Union and freedom. His position is as far as possible removed from that of the gallant Hartrannie,* who never professed one set of principles to the field while doing his best to establish the opposite policy at home.
*Note: I can't read that word. It probably is not actually "Hartrannie"

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