Genealogy Family trees Ancestor research Document retrieval | Property histories Chains of title Resident histories |
Digital archiving High-resolution scanning Family albums preserved | Photo restoration Damaged pictures retouched Archival-quality replication |
Research Fees
$75 for two hours of research, then $40 for each subsequent hour.
My Resources
In addition to a variety of digitized holdings, I use the same primary sources available to patrons at the Mercer Museum Library: deeds, wills, birth or death certificates, marriage certificates, newspapers, church records, genealogical research files, photographs, and manuscript collections. The Library is also the depository for Bucks County government records dating back to 1683.
How it Works
Send me an email, and we'll discuss what you'd like to get out of the transaction. I often ask patrons, "If you could have any question (or questions) answered about your property (or your ancestor), what would that question be?
The next step is to agree on the number of research hours you'd like to purchase. Many clients prefer to begin with two hours (my minimum), and may later purchase additional hours if it seems there's more information to discover. I'll then send you an invoice and, once payment has cleared, begin your research. Currently I accept payment via PayPal or Venmo.
Once I've completed the requisite number of research hours, I'll write a summary of my findings (like the one you can see here) and email it to you as a PDF, along with images of any documents I've accumulated.