The grotesque flight and chase through the moonlight ensued

Promised Next Time to Bring Hulmeville’s Midnight Nudists to Jail “As Is,” But Expect No More Complaints

Hulmeville, July 18. — Fifteen nude Philadelphians of assorted ages, sexes and stages of inebriety fled along the banks of the Neshaminy creek near here early yesterday, with a pair of constables in hot pursuit.

Lack of clothing seemed to lend speed to the “whoopee-nudists,” for they managed to outdistance the constables.

Residents of that section have complained frequently about midnight swimming parties in the creek. The bathers drink liquor and disrobe on the banks of the creek, the residents say, then make merry in the nude through most of the night.

The nudity and the noise, the residents complain, make it difficult to sleep. Every time they look out their windows, they declare, they spy a half-dozen nude couples frolicking in the moonlight.

So Constables Orville Morris and Harry Johnson were sent to break it up. The first few nights they warned the bathers.

But early yesterday they decided to “raid” a nude bathing party. But the bathers saw them coming — and the grotesque flight and chase through the moonlight ensued.

The constables claim they “have the situation under control.” They say they have thrown a scare into the bathers and that they expect no more trouble.

“But if we find any more of them, we’ll take them to jail, minus their clothes,” the constables say.

There have been reports of a new nudist colony below Hulmeville, but this the constables deny.

“Those bathers,” they say, “are Philadelphians on vacation here. They try to crowd as much whoopee and thrills as possible in the few days.”

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