January 3, 1908

A little late, but here's another spooky one. I think I know just where this happened, too.

January 3, 1908
Township Supervisor Found Dead
     John M. Landis, a prominent farmer and a member of the Board of Supervisors of Plumstead township, this county, was found dead about 9.30 o'clock Tuesday morning at his residence near the Wismer creamery. Coroner White, of Doylestown, was notified and made an investigation.
     Mr. Landis mysteriously disappeared from his home last Saturday evening about dark and no one knew where he had gone. The neighbors and members of the family had searched for him night and day since and Tuesday morning found his dead body in an orchard on the farm of the deceased. It is sad there were no marks on the body and it is supposed that his dead resulted from exhaustion and nervousness. The family is of the opinion that Mr. Landis had been wandering about the country since Saturday and that he was on his way home and becoming exhausted, fell dead. There were no marks on his body to indicate that he had taken his own life.
     Mr. Landis had been suffering from nervous prostration due to overwork and over-exertion of the mind as secretary of the Highway Department of Plumstead township. It is said he feared punishment for actions in an official capacity through being ill-advised and while no wrong had been committed, it preyed upon his mind.
     Mr. Landis was the son of the late Abraham Landis, of Plumstead, and was well education. Some years ago he was principal of Doylestown borough schools, but subsequently purchased the property near Wismer and went to farming, where he worked hard. He is survived by a widow, formerly Miss Susanna Myers, and one son, Leidy.
     A brother, Emanuel, committed suicide some years ago by hanging.

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