Wherefore art thou Andrew Nordquest?

I'd like you all to meet my new crush, Andrew Nordquest.

Isn't he dreamy? Great clothes, loves nature, musically gifted ... *swoon*

Admittedly I don't know much about him yet, and, yeah, I guess he's probably not ... um ... alive. But I'm a girl who likes a challenge.

We met on Thursday when I stopped by the Solebury Township Historic Society schoolhouse (I was just elected to their board and have an article in the latest Solebury Chronicle, check it out) and, paging through an album of gorgeous old postcards, there he was.

I like me a man of mystery. On the back of Andrew's postcard was his name, and, in a different hand, a woman's name: Laura M. Vasey.

My competition.

Actually, I'm familiar with the Vasey family because they pop up in the census and in the Carversville Cemetery (well, they don't pop up in the cemetery, thankfully, but you know what I mean) but I've never heard of Andrew.

There aren't any Nordquest families living in Solebury in any census taken between 1880 and 1930, indeed, there are none in all of Bucks County. Allegheny County has a Nordquest family, but no males called Andrew.

Andrew's postcard is the sort referred to as a "divided back," because of the vertical line dividing the address and message areas. These were made primarily between March, 1907 and 1915, so Andrew, who looks about 25, must have been born between, say, 1880 and 1895.

So who is this man of mine? What is he hiding from me? I like an honest relationship. None of these silly secrets about where he came from or, um, whether he had any embarrassing tattoos.

But I shall persevere. With enough effort, I just know I can get him to open up.

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