Norman Lear, Gardenville

Carol Jacobs Norwood of Myerstown, Lebanon County, sent me these two photos as a follow-up to today's post about the Gardenville gas station. She writes, "This was Norman Lear's garage for ever and ever; actually from the late 1930's until 2005 when he passed away at the age of 81. He was a life-long friend of my Dad's. I think maybe that his father, also Norman Lear, may have had the garage before his son did. I took this photo in 2004, shortly after visiting Norman. I have such good memories of going to the garage with my Dad as a little girl. He had girly calendars hung all over the place ... way up near the ceiling!"

Here's a photo of Carol standing with Norman in 2004, about a year before he died:

1 comment:

  1. Dear Carol,

    Thank you for the wonderful tribute to Norm Lear, one of the finest individuals I ever had the pleasure of knowing--he was my best friend unitl his death in 2005. In answer to a thought in your passage, yes, Norman Sr. establish the garage in 1923---and passed away in the shop of a heart-attack in 1958.

    We lost a national treasure with the passing of Norm---his acts of kindness and bravery are legendary in the Doylestown region. No one will ever replace our buddy!!!


