The other Doan graves

It occurred to me that I've never posted photos of Abraham and Levi Doan's tombstones. In fact, regarding the only one I have posted: I couldn't even tell you where it is. I have no clue. Anybody? It's this one:

But anyway, here are the ones I've actually seen with mine own eyes:

I love how they all say "AN OUTLAW." I wish they still did that.


  1. The Doan brothers are buried outside the graveyard wall at [location deleted].

    I took out the location. I've been there and it's totally cool, but I don't know if it would benefit from being posted online. Thanks for your comment, though. ~ Rayna

  2. I do know where that gravestone is. I could go outside and walk to it in less in than two minutes. The owner of the land doesn't want people all over it, so they moved it from the middle of the field where it originally was, to another location close by, hidden away. There were too many strangers treading all over the properties around here looking for it. The original marker was built into the stone wall of home also nearby and is visible to people who know the family. That one I haven't seen but would like to go look at.
