Deep Run school, 1910

Doris Lee of Doylestown stopped by to show me this class photograph taken at the Deep Run schoolhouse in Bedminster around 1910. Both Doris’ mother, Bertha Kulp, and father, Howard Erb, are in the photo, along with several of her aunts and uncles.

(Top row, from left) Cal Beer, Joe Kulp, teacher Alice Gruver, Sarah Overholt, Katie Kulp, Sarah Stout, Katie Hackman, Sallie Kulp, Mabel Wismer. (Second row) Howard Erb, Maggie Erb, Barbara Wismer, Bertha Kulp. (Front row) Issac Derstine, Joe Kulp, Bill Baum, Henry Stout, Howard Derstine, Warren Kulp, Hannah Derstine, Maggie Derstine, Alma Kulp, Anna Kulp, Ida Stout, Sallie Leatherman.

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