Remember Ed's?

Michael Statchel stopped by to drop off several pieces of Bucks County ephemera, including two menus and this photo of Ed’s Diner in Doylestown. Ed’s, a 24-hour diner located at Franklin and State streets, was a popular location for more than 40 years. Owner Ed Taifer acted as head cook, while his wife Laura supervised the servers. Though Ed’s was replaced by County Food Market in 1989, the building is still quite recognizable as an old diner.


  1. Jerry Taifer, Ed's son and I were school mates and good friends. I often stayed over night at his home to do homework. In the morning we'd go to the diner for breakfast and thenwalk to Central Bucks H.S.

  2. What year did the diner close?

  3. My family used to frequent Ed's during the '50's.

  4. I was a waiter there in the fall of 1972 and worked evening weekend shifts.

    After the football games the kids would pour in for milkshakes. Much work for no tips.

    I remember their hot Apple dumplings with vanilla custard. But I only worked their for a hot minute. I believe I remember Ed.
