The Northern Luffs

Two photos from Joyce and Frank Luff of South Carolina landed on my desk today. Both seem to have been taken in the late 1930s or early 1940s. Click either photo for a larger view.

The first photo, taken in Richboro, Bucks County, shows (back row) Charles, Grace, and Franklin Pierce Luff; in the front row, sitting, are Albert and Laura Luff.

The second photo shows the Luff family at Spring Lake Farm on Newtown Road in Johnsville. The photo's reverse reads "Baby: Franklyn Harding Luff (4/11/44); Father: Franklin Pierce Luff (4/9/1907); Mother: Ruth Thomas Luff (3/19/1910); Daughter: Marilyn Jean Luff; Older daughter: Ruth Ann Luff."

I like photos like this, where I've got some names and rough dates and nothing else. It makes me want to do research. For example, Franklyn Harding Luff, the baby in the second photo, is most likely the same Frank Luff who submitted the picture. I'm assuming that Albert and Laura, the elder two Luffs, sitting in the first photo, were the sender's grandparents. A quick search online reveals that Franklin P. Luff passed away February 22, 1989, age 81. His wife, Ruth, passed away in August 1979, age 69.

Frank's grandparents, Albert and Laura, were born in 1881 and 1877, respectively, both in Northampton. Laura's maiden name was Titus.

I could go on and on like this. I love it.

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