Carversville time capsule

My elementary school — Pine Run, in New Britain — had a time capsule in its gymnasium that fascinated me from the time I was tall enough to read its inscription. I've forgotten most of it — I think it was slated to be opened in 1992, which seemed an impossibly long way off at the time. I should call them up and see if anyone remembers what turned out to be sealed away in there for all those years.

Time capsules are the coolest. I mean, they're basically buried treasure, from a historical point of view. I've never been present when one was opened, but I bet there's a great resource somewhere online — a time capsule registry, or something. (And if there's not, there darn well should be.)

(EDIT: Well, I was half right. There is, indeed, a time capsule registry — it exists at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia — but the registered capsules aren't listed online. Check it out here.)

Carversville has a time capsule. It's set in cement, right by the front door of Bob Kling's antique shop above the general store:

(Click on the image for a larger view.)

But ... wait. 2092? Something tells me I'm not going to be around for this one.

Can you think of any other time capsules secreted around Bucks County? We can start our own list!

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