Forest Park, Chalfont: 1885 - 1964

Serendipitously, I received two separate e-mails yesterday about Forest Park, which was in Chalfont from around 1885 to 1964.

Today it looks like this:

View Larger Map

I grew up in New Britain and Chalfont. It's odd to think I tromped across all that history as a kid; drove past it countless times without knowing. One of my friends even lived in the development that eventually replaced the park.

Mark from Doylestown wrote:
Hi Rayna,

Are you familiar with Forest Park in Chalfont? Years ago after he retired, my father volunteered to do research at the Spruance Library. I remember him showing me stories about Forest Park.

The railroad had a stop there and it was around for about 80 years. Sort of Chalfont's version of Willow Grove Park. Thought you might be interested and am sending along a reference to it from an amusement park website.

By the way, whats left of the park is well hidden back behind businesses that line 202 after you cross the tracks into Chalfont and are also somewhat visible from Park Ave where the NP Water plant is.
The link Mark included is great — lengthy, but great. Check it out when you have a couple (or more) minutes.

Carol from Myerstown read about the park as well. She wrote:

My Dad used to talk about Forest Park in Chalfont PA. He used to go there as a young man.

I read up about the history of the park online and was surprised to read that there were race riots there in the late 1950s. The park permanently closed in 1965.

I can remember as a child riding on the train between Doylestown and Philadelphia you could still see remnants of the old park.

Here's a photo that was taken in July 1936 at the park. They were famous for their swan boats! My Dad's good friend, Clifford Smith, who lived in Gardenville, took this photo!
Click the image for a larger view.
I love that photo! The kid's expression is sort of unreadable, isn't it? He's either like, "This is great!" or conversely, "I'm so miserable. Can we go home now?"

Who else remembers Forest Park? I've seen the post cards but Carol's is the first candid photo I've seen. I'd love to hear more stories.

There's some great stuff on Willow Grove Park around here that I'll post soon too.


  1. My husband grew up in this area, and used to fish and explore these ruins as a kid. He's always surprised that more people don't know about the park, and no books or official information can be found on it. As a kid, he collected many items that he found in the park, and the concrete bases to the picnic tables are still there. His Grandfather did all the stone work around the swan ride and bridge.

    1. I was 10 and at the park the day this race riot took place .May 31, 1958. It was my Birthday and I had some tickets to ride the rides. Never got one ride as the riot broke out and scared me to death. My father had a country western band and they were on the stage playing and singing. I remember many ambulances. I will never forget it. We lived right on Rt. 202 and I went to New Britain Boro Elementary School.

  2. Although we lived right around the cornor from W.G. Park my dad would sometimes take us to Forrest Park in Chalfont for the day. It was not as big a W.G. Park but had it own uniqueness. Can remember the string bands playing there.

  3. Though the development in the pic above was undoubtedly built on a portion of the park the main body of the park is to the left and is still there in the woods. You can walk the perimeter of the pond by following the sand which is still there and was imported to make it like a beach. The remains of benches, tables and even parts of rides are just sitting there rusting away.

  4. I the early 60's my father would take my sister and I there for nickle day on Thursday's....All rides were 5 cents that was a buy even in those days. I remember the wild mouse and the space ship ride, the good old days!!

  5. Thanks for the info, sounds like a great spot. I am doing some design work for a local bank and they would love to do a feature graphic wall that has images from Chalfont's history, can anyone help me find some more classic images of the area and it's attractions?
    Thanks, Dan Fleck

  6. I just wish they would open the old grounds up to visit and explore. Very intrigued by the history of that area. Had no clue it existed until the past few years. Always knew something seemed weird about that area by the tracks and where Bristol Rd. just abruptly ends at 202...

  7. I live in Chalfont and went exploring in the woods at the old Forrest Park site and was ordered to leave immediately by the NP Water staff.

  8. I can remember going to Forest Park for the annual school picnic in the mid 40's. I remember the miniature railroad going back into the woods and fields. It was a big deal at my young age.

  9. I walked to first week of jr high school on moyer rd with my first girlfriend that lived on hellburg ave ,we lived on farm between new galena rd & creek rd . my grandparnets & aunts all lived on new galena whats left of the park is well hidden back behind businesses Bank,Pizza Place. But, the largest feash water pool is still there. that line 202 after you cross the tracks into Chalfont and are also somewhat visible from Park Ave Bistrol Rd is going to park ave,Also Galena Hotel and the town Galena mined galena a ore , mined and added to made #number 2 pencils,and it was a stripper joint on 2nd floor & sandwich place on the first floor at old limkil & new galena rd

  10. As a teenager, I worked at Forest Park. My father was the only police officer on duty when the Race Riot happened. I worked at one of the refreshment stands. My father came and got me. He took me to the merry go round, told the operator to lock it up and don't open the doors. That's were I stayed with the operator. Years later, their was a new owner, Kanes from New York. My husband worked their part time. Mrs. Kane lived in the ranch house on the property. Mr. Kane also worked in New York during the week. Mrs. Kane didn't like living their by herself during the week. We were asked if we wanted to live near the ranch house, to make Mrs. Kane feel more comfortable. We moved our mobile home on the grounds near the ranch house. We lived there for about one and half years, till Mrs. Kane went back to New York. So sad
    to see all the things left behind, grills, coolers, chairs and more. People just gather family and went to their cars. It took awhile for all the cars to get out of their. Their were about 10,000 people there.

  11. Great memories! Glad you took the time to share them.
